Research Assistant Fellow, Middle East Studies Center- Jordan
"Discuss the topic of the Israeli emerging movement since January 2023
against the cooperation plan that was presented regarding the Israeli
government, and the ongoing dispute over the identity and form of the state and
the limits of democracy in it as one of the popular manifestations of liberalism
in Israel, and the state of society that is oriented between a religious right-wing
and another secular party due to the absence of personal freedom issues. Total
attempts to impose a way of life on others .
He discussed the implications of the participation of soldiers, reserve officers, some high-tech companies, and some influential people in these
protests, which took several forms, such as temporarily closing streets and
some work centers during the protests, and confrontations with Israeli police
The report also reviewed the possible paths of the crisis, which ranged
from passing the amendments to their failure or reaching consensual solutions
and their repercussions on democracy in Israel. It concluded that the protests
may not negatively affect the practice of the regular electoral process inside
Israel, with increasing opportunities to employ the divided political parties to
implement dictatorial policies. As a result of the immunity and broad powers
that the new amendments grant to the parliamentary majority in the Knesset
upon their passage."